My Husband Insisted I Pay For Him and His Entire Family at a Restaurant Although It Was His Celebration

The man turned the celebration into a farce after everybody had eaten.Sharing duties as husband and wife is a part of marriage. Financial matters are always the most delicate of all the shared duties. One couple’s relationship abruptly soured due to their disparate financial outlooks. The woman went to Reddit to ask other users if she was wrong to do what she did. The man unexpectedly changed the course of a joyous evening by asking his wife to cover the cost of dinner with his family. The woman thought it was wrong for him to presume she would agree to pay for the dinner, even if it was his milestone supper.

Their financial affairs had always been kept apart.For the final three years of their marriage, they decided to keep their funds apart. At first, the arrangement worked for them, but during the husband’s celebration, it started to cause problems.The woman’s spouse was overjoyed to receive a bonus at work. He told his whole family and asked them to join him at a restaurant to celebrate his achievement.

Everything was organized by the man, including the restaurant, the orders for food and beverages, and all the details in between. They enjoyed a fun-filled evening honoring the man’s career accomplishment. But when the woman received the bill, she was taken aback.Since they were celebrating her husband’s bonus, she expected him to pay for the outing. “Take care of it,” her husband said, passing her the bill. He thought that as a thank you for the congratulations, she would be happy to help with the festivities.

The Man Accused That His Wife Was EnragedAfter their fight at the restaurant, her husband continued by referring to her as “visibly bitter.” The woman refused to pay, even at her husband’s request, believing it was absurd that he was expecting her to foot the bill for the meals his entire family was eating on this special occasion.The man acknowledged he still hadn’t received his bonus, which just made things worse. He pleaded with his wife to cover the cost of the meals, promising to reimburse her after he got paid.

The woman, fed up, paid for her lunch. She had enraged her spouse as well as his entire family. She made the decision to head home by herself because there was so much noise at the restaurant.Following the incident, she received a barrage of unwanted calls from the man’s family. It was also obvious that the guy and woman’s relationship at home was strained.Their disagreement on what transpired after the man returned home persisted. “He claimed that if the roles were reversed and I received a bonus, he would pay for the [expletive] meals after taking me and my family out and celebrate my accomplishments,” she wrote.

Online users took the woman’s side.She posted a request for assistance on the internet and was taken aback by the volume of response she got. She shared the responses with her spouse after receiving assurances from others that everything was OK.In the end, it caused more harm than benefit. When the wife showed her husband the remarks, they became more combative because he became protective in response to all of the criticism he had seen online.

He also criticized the woman for supposedly withholding some details from the account. He claimed he wanted Reddit people to know that his wife made more money than he did, but his wife countered that the difference in their pay was quite marginal.”This was deliberate manipulation,” a user commented. Not to add that his family now despises her if they do quarrel and get into a fight in front of them. It is extremely difficult to handle during dating, but it’s particularly difficult after you’re married, someone else said.Given the circumstances, some couldn’t help but wonder about the husband’s capacity for financial planning.

The fact that he apparently COULDNT pay for everyone—given that they were all fighting over who would foot the bill—seems to me to be the biggest red flag. One commenter said, “That suggests a serious lack of financial planning right there.”Do you believe the woman made a mistake in what she did? If the circumstances were the same for you, how would you have responded? In a related tale, Reddit users advised a woman to reconsider getting engaged to a man who insisted on charging her for his and his friends’ dinners on a regular basis.

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My Husband Insisted I Pay For Him and His Entire Family at a Restaurant Although It Was His Celebration
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